The 2019 Board of Directors are ready to make positive changes for our neighborhood. As a board member there are a few items that I hope to see addressed in the coming months. They are:
Maintenance Request Forms
We need a standard form that homeowners can use to request maintenance. The form would be signed and dated by the CCW office and a copy given to the homeowner. This way there is a written document that can be tracked to be sure work is completed in a timely manner. Once work is completed the form will be added to a file under the homes address so a history of maintenance is established. I have a sample that will be shared at the board meeting. Please come and share your ideas.
There have been changes in our security personnel so this is a good time to review the contract. Two questions that I have are: How many hours are the officers on our property and how can we confirm that they are on the property?
The pool is an underused amenity. How can we make it more accessible to homeowners? It needs to be resurfaced and we might check the price and feasibility of changing the depth of the pool.
Solar Lights
The lighting in our common areas (courtyards, parks) is in very poor condition and in many areas is nonexistent. By installing solar lights we bypass the need for expensive electrical wiring and electricity costs.
Vacant Homes
There are homes that burned years ago and still have not been secured for safety or rebuilt. Homes that are vacant have been vandalized and invite crime.
The ongoing poor condition of the streets shows a need for a new strategy to address their repair. Do we need to change contractors or use a different type of surface? Let’s discuss this and get a new plan for our streets.
Many of our mailboxes are missing doors allowing the mail to be taken, opened and spread across the yards. The office managers should contact the post office and request new mailboxes.